To all my WOMEN friends and especially the ladies I work out with…..
It pains me to hear you talk negatively about yourselves..It truly does..
I have been working on being kind to myself and my body for the last 7 years. Since I had my beloved baby. I became more aware of what this body can do and how well it handled bringing another life into the world. It was nothing short of AMAZING..I was doing great with all that AWARENESS of the AMAZING body I get to travel in..for a while…Until the old voices re-emerged and started noticing once again how my stomach sticks out, my legs are too big, etc, etc...Well ,you know the deal....
Now, I am back at it again…Quieting those voices..Because my life is NOW ..It’s here
Today.. It’s happening in this body NOW It does not matter if I am 10 pounds lighter, if my thighs touch or not, or if I can wear a size whatever …….Because.My kid needs dinner and I have important things to accomplish here. Things that do not include placing value on what size my body is. Sure I slip back in to my old ways many a day but usually by the end of that day I can pull myself back to what matters!
I can do a MEAN roundhouse kick, 100 burpees, 50 squat jumps and RUN 3 miles…(and, if we work out together..SO CAN YOU!)……GIVE ME A BREAK !!! THIS BODY IS PRETTY GOOD! It’s perfect right here right now today! AND, so is yours!!!
I see you Mama’s..Taking time for yourselves to be fit and healthy for your families, to be a role model to your children..OR, maybe just to burn off all the wine you DRINK!! ☺
You are out there moving, shaking and having a beautiful life..Please put your self talk in check. Remind yourself daily that your body is enough, it’s perfect, you are FIT, HEALTHY and down right STRONG!!!
I SEE YOU EVERYDAY! You are BEAUTIUFL exactly as you are!!!