Meeting Noah..The Power of Manifesting!

Noah brought back my FAITH!

I have been RE-reading a lot of my LAW OF ATTRACTION books. I found a bin full of my books and they were all in there. One that I love and it is so easy to read is “A HAPPY POCKET FULL OF MONEY” by David Cameron Gikandi …

One of the exercises in this book has you write down all of the things you would like to experience in this lifetime.  One of the things on my list was swimming with Dolphins..

Fast forward to our family vacation in the Bahamas,my husband booked it all, I had no idea. One week  later there I was with my 2 Beloveds..swimming with a majestic Dolphin named Noah.  Seeing him brought me to tears and it made me realize the magic of this life, how easy it is to live our dreams once we learn to harness this magic and work the simple steps.  This is what I will talk to you about on my FREE telecall.  There is one BIG thing I had been doing wrong the last few years since I have not been studying the LAW OF ATTRACTION as I used to…..

I want to share this with you so you can begin 

You have the power within you to live the life you dream about!!!

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